
  • Krys posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago

    Hey how long does it usually take to become a verified member? I sent my pic in like 2 days ago and I am just curious 😸

    • Hey, currently it depends on the availability of our internal resources, but it should not take longer than a week. But we are also working on a way to speed up this process in the future! 🙂
    • ikarus posted a new activity comment 5 years, 3 months ago

      welcome to the community @schattenfaehe! Thanks for sharing so many beautiful pictures! Is your husband a professional photographer? 😀 Glad to have you here!
        • Thank you @ikarus. My husband is not a photographer, but I model every once in a while(as a hobby) and often work with different photographers or self-shoot those pictures. I am currently updating the pictures and state if they are selfshot, or who made them. :3
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