
  • Website Relaunch

    Website Relaunch

    We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website!

    After months of hard work, we are delighted to officially announce the relaunch of our website.

    Our goal with this new website is to provide our Kittens with an easier way to learn about Kitten play and also provide an easier way for Kittens the ability to interact and share their experiences.

    Therefore the new website is static and gives better access to all the information you need. The interactive part has been moved to our Discord Server.

    Among the new features, the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to foster improved communication with our Kittens.

    We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, blogs, and newsletters.

    For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please e-mail us or Contact our team via Discord!

     Old Website – 2016

    Want to learn more or talk to us directly? Feel free to ask questions or share your experiences with us on Discord.

  • 7 Additional Commands

    7 Additional Commands


    As your dynamic evolves, you will see that often commands between both parties can be initiated not only by the dominant part, but also by the Kitten in question. Commands and their reactions are a non verbal way to communicate. While meowing, purring and head rubbing help you show your dominant counterpart that you want something, you can help him/her also by enacting commands without initial commandment.

    These are 7 additional commands, that can be used to train your kitten, or help your partner understand you better within play.

    7 Additional Commands

    (1) Belly Rub

    Similar to paws up, the kitten uses their paws to expose the belly and stretches it out for a good belly rub. Make sure the belly is fully exposed or any fabric on the belly is stretched to a smooth surface to ensure a good rub.

    (2) Expose

    This is an extension to the “Tail up” command. The kitten now additinally uses one paw to lift up their tail and expose their private parts. This can be used in a lot of ways.

    (3) Knead

    This is a “paws up” extension. Kneading for a kitten means, that it is using using their paws to knead at whatever their touching in this very moment or can touch without further preparations. That could be their Partner, the bed, pillow, blanket or a stuffie. This command can be used to help a kitten calm down, relax or get their thoughts off of something. It might also be a good ritual before bedtime.

    (4) Companion

    This is a combined command of “sit pretty” and “paws up” in a location pointed out next to the dominant partner. The kitten will first go to the dedicated right or left side of their Owners legs (either the pointed out side, or the side it’s trained on or the side in reach) and then “sit pretty” with an immediately following “paws up” with the paws either wrapped around the dominant’s leg if standing or resting on the knee if sitting.

    (5) Hunt

    This is a lower executed version of “crawl”. The kitten positions itself lower to the ground and crawls low and slowly in a hunting mode to catch or fetch the toy the dominant has presented them.

    (6) Tail Down

    This is the command that indicates that the kitten should stay where it is right now, until it is released via the “come”, “companion” or a similar command. While the command lasts, the kitten usually sits or lies down.

    (7) Groom

    This command is either a combination of “sit pretty” and “ears down” or an addition to the “companion” command. With their head tilted down, the kitten is in an ideal position to be groomed or pet. The dominant now can grab a brush, or a soft towel to wipe or groom the kitten. This can also be used to change accessories on the kitten or indicate, that a full or partial change of clothing will/should follow.

  • Getting Started

    Getting Started

    Welcome to our Kitten play community! We are glad to have you here!

    First Steps

    1) Take a look around

    Our website offers a wide range of  free content about Kitten play. A good start is our general introduction to Kitten play: “What is Kitten play?” or our Kitten play overview page.

    Feel free to read as much as you like and learn more about Kitten play.

    2) Join our Community

    Please check out our Telegram Channel and introduce yourself. If you like you can join one of the open channels. 

    learn more about Kitten play, training and gear!

     3) Become one of our Kittens

    If you want to share your individual Kitten Styles, your Kitten Play Gear, or Articles related to Kitten Play you are invited to verify yourself to become a part of the Kitten family! Only as a verified Kitten you will have access to the internal Kitten channels.

     4) Support the Community

    If you love Kitten Play and want to support our Kittens and upcoming Projects have a look at our Donations page.

    We need your Donation to maintain and grow the Kitten Play Community – and we reward your generosity with Premium Memberships allowing you to access our exclusive content.

  • 7 Basic Commands

    7 Basic Commands


    Welcome to our Kitten play basic training. In this course you will learn the seven basic commands and positionings. Have fun!

    Basic Commands and positionings in Kitten Play.

    We believe a trained kitten is a happy kitten. A trained kitten is able to respond to cues or commands, or the performance of actions not necessarily natural to the kitten.

    Our surveys show that kitten training helps immensely to achieve the headspace called “kittenspace”, which can be one of the greatest feelings for a person identifying as a kitten or a pet in general.

    The following seven command are the basic commands each kitten should learn in the beginning.

    7 Basic Commands

    (1) Sit pretty

    Sitting upright on legs tucked under, knees slightly spread apart (about shoulder width) with paws (hands) between open legs and paws touching the ground, head facing forward, chest up and out (as if proud to be seen). This is a classic kitten pose and used as a base for many other command words.

    (2) Paws up

    From any position, this indicates kitten no longer gets the use of their fingers by making a paw shape with their hand by tucking their fingers under the palm on their hand. Arms should be bent up with paws up on display in a begging type position. This can be used as a position for rope bondage, applying cuffs or restraints, showcasing, encouraging kitten play head space, or to encourage them to use their paws when with their Owner at that moment.

    (3) Tail up

    This is a submissive position with the face to the floor, nose touching, and hands out above the head, palms down (unless in “paws up” mode), forearms touching the ground. However, their knees should be on the ground, slightly apart at about shoulder width, with the butt high up in the air.

    (4) Belly Up

    What it sounds like…kitten lays on their back with legs bent and lifted off the floor. You may want them to cross their lower legs as an addition. Paws should be lifted off the ground and up in the air with the “paws up” position. This position is one that encourages fun for kitten. It’s their playtime starter position. From here, you can use this for tickling whether by hand or ticklish feather toys they can try and bat at, to using this position to apply restraints on both wrists and ankles, to belly petting, to giving them some of their favorite toys to play with.

    (5) Ears Down

    This command tells kitten to lean their head down. Whether simply for the idea of submission or to apply a collar to lock it in the back, this can be a simple useful command word.

    (6) Crawl

    A kitten version of “come”, this position tells the kitten to crawl forward to Owner on hands and knees. Owners can use this to their advantage in asking the kitten to either crawl sexily or slowly.

    (7) Show Kitty

    This command is an extension of “sit pretty” and “paws up” combined. The only difference is the kitten is extended upright on their knees. A good position for when Owner wants a basic inspection of their kitten, wants them to beg, to clip on a leash for leash training, or simply to adore the kittens form. “Show kitty” is a position of pride for the kitten, showing off their beauty, grace, and willingness to be a pet. It has less functional purpose, but is a position of adoration the Owner can give to his pet by giving them their full attention. It’s a good position for an Owner to call right before a scene or other scheduled playtime.

  • Easy types of punishment

    Easy types of punishment

    Whenever a living being has been trained, punishment to correct bad behavior has traditionally been a way to help the caregiver, master, trainer, or dom establish authority and encourage learning. Training a kitten also requires punishment. Not all kittens are “certified good kittens.” Some are bratty and test boundaries, others may not listen, and some are wild and need taming. Every kitten has its own character.

    Punishment can also be a bonding experience. This is because punishment requires trust and challenges boundaries. Some kittens may enjoy being testy and provoking punishments, while others may try to avoid them. Punishment, when consensual, becomes part of the dynamic and play. Ensure that both parties consent to the situation.

    Preparing for Punishment

    Before incorporating punishment into training, follow these steps:

    1. Communicate About Punishments
      Discuss possible punishments and ensure they are compatible with the kitten’s physical and mental health. Establish soft limits (conditional boundaries) and hard limits (absolute boundaries). Check in with each other about any potential mental triggers. Open communication builds trust and ensures safety.
    2. Establish Safewords
      Agree on a safeword for each party. Safewords should be easy to say and unrelated to the scenario. Test memory by repeating them before play. If a safeword is used, immediately stop, check on each other, and discuss what went wrong.
    3. Prepare Tools and Supplies
      Ensure any items used for punishment are clean, safe, and well-maintained. For example, replace pet shampoo with human shampoo in a pet-themed bottle. Avoid using anything unsafe for the human body.

    Types of Punishment

    1. Water Spray
      Use a spray bottle with cold water to correct small missteps. Spray without warning and follow with a firm command like “No.” Ensure the kitten associates the action with the correction.
    2. Stay and Hold
      Have the kitten sit in a designated spot for 1–3 minutes, away from toys. Optionally, use a gag or have them hold a light object in their mouth. If the object is dropped, restart the timer. Repeat the task afterward and praise compliance.
    3. Slap
      Correct behavior with a slap on safe areas such as the buttocks, upper back, or outer legs. Use a soft whip if preferred. Practice safe technique beforehand to avoid injury. Follow with task repetition and praise.
    4. Kneeling
      Have the kitten kneel for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. For added discomfort, spread rice under a towel and have them kneel on it. Avoid direct contact with rice. Tailor the punishment to the kitten’s tolerance and follow with repetition and praise.
    5. Denial
      Temporarily remove a favorite item such as a toy, blanket, or game. Explain why and have the kitten affirm understanding. Return the item once the task is completed correctly, and end with praise.
    6. Bathing
      Bathe the kitten as a form of correction. Be gentle in sensitive areas but firm in safe zones like the upper back, buttocks, and outer legs. Follow with repetition of the task at the next training session and offer praise.

    After Punishment

    After a punishment, ensure the kitten understands the reason behind it by asking a specific yes/no question. Reinforce positive behavior with affection, such as petting or cuddling.

    If the kitten misbehaves again, repeat the punishment. Always provide aftercare, which could include a blanket, hugs, or a check-in. Observe their mental state to ensure they are not emotionally hurt.

    Clean your supplies, plan the next session, and maintain open communication about any changes.

    Notes on Limits

    • Soft Limits: Hesitations that may be conditional upon trust or safety. Handle delicately to avoid escalation to hard limits.
    • Hard Limits: Absolute boundaries. Violating these can damage trust and end the relationship or dynamic.

  • Meaning of Kitten play

    Meaning of Kitten play

    Kitten play can mean a lot of different things

    Kitten play holds a unique and personal meaning for everyone who embraces it, making it a deeply individual experience. To uncover the heart of what kitten play represents, we turned to the vibrant voices within our community of Kittens and asked them to share their thoughts and feelings.

    For some, kitten play is a way to connect with their playful, carefree side—a chance to escape the demands of daily life and embrace a softer, more instinctive part of themselves. Others find it to be an empowering outlet, a way to embody confidence, independence, and a touch of sass, all wrapped up in the feline mystique.

    Many Kittens describe it as a safe haven where they can fully express their emotions, explore intimacy, and discover a sense of belonging. Whether it’s the gentle thrill of being cared for, the joy of indulging in childlike wonder, or the comfort of slipping into a headspace where they feel completely accepted, kitten play offers a unique form of emotional release and connection.

    What truly stands out are the relationships built through this lifestyle. For some, kitten play is about forming an unbreakable bond with a trusted partner—a dynamic rooted in mutual respect, trust, and affection. Others see it as a personal journey of self-discovery, using kitten play to explore their identity and grow in confidence, whether or not they share the experience with someone else.

    At its core, kitten play is about identity, creativity, and connection. It’s a reflection of individuality and a celebration of the beautiful diversity within our community. Whether it’s a subtle nod through wearing a pair of cat ears or fully diving into the kitten persona, each person’s journey is uniquely their own.

    As we gathered stories from Kittens in our community, one thing became crystal clear: kitten play is more than just a role or a pastime—it’s a way of life that speaks to the heart. If you’re curious about kitten play, you’re not alone. Dive in, explore, and discover what kitten play could mean to you—it might just open up a world of self-expression and joy you never knew existed.

    The Purr-fect Escape: Understanding Kitten Play

    Life can be full of stress, adulting, and those endless to-do lists, right? That’s where Kitten Play comes in—a whimsical, playful, and sometimes life-changing way to press the pause button on all things serious and embrace your inner feline.

    What Exactly is Kitten Play?

    Kitten Play is more than just a pastime or hobby; it’s a unique lifestyle and a way to connect with an innermost part of yourself. It’s about channeling the carefree, curious, and cuddly essence of a kitten—ears, tail, and all. For some, it’s a headspace; for others, it’s a way of life. But for everyone involved, it’s all about fun, self-expression, and maybe a little bit of mischief (catnip optional).

    Why Kitten Play?

    Think of Kitten Play as the ultimate stress relief. Imagine slipping into kitten gear, maybe a pair of cute ears or a collar, and just letting go of the worries of adult life. Whether you see yourself as a neko-girl (a cat-girl) or prefer to embrace your kitten persona fully, Kitten Play offers a chance to feel cute, playful, and carefree. It’s a permission slip to step outside the daily grind and into a world where you can simply enjoy being you.

    The Aesthetic Allure of Kitten Play

    One of the most enchanting aspects of Kitten Play is the aesthetic. Let’s face it—who doesn’t want to feel adorable and beautiful? From fluffy ears and sleek tails to elegant collars adorned with charms, Kitten Play is a celebration of self-expression through fashion. The gear isn’t just about getting into the right mindset; it’s also about embracing a look that makes you feel confident, radiant, and completely in touch with your playful side. For many, dressing up isn’t just part of the experience—it’s a highlight.

    The Kitten Gear Craze

    Kitten gear isn’t just about getting into the right headspace; it’s also a major fashion statement. From adorable ears to customized collars, the accessories are as much about expressing personality as they are about embracing the kitten vibe. Wearing kitten gear in public? It’s a bold move, but it’s also a personal choice that says, “This is me, and I love it.”

    More Than Just Play

    For many, Kitten Play is more than a playful pastime; it’s a profound part of their identity. It’s a way to find comfort, safety, and even healing. The supportive online communities surrounding Kitten Play help participants embrace who they are, share their journeys, and connect with others who understand.

    Whether it’s about finding security in a trusted relationship, creating a playful escape from anxiety, or simply embracing a softer side of oneself, Kitten Play can mean so much more than meets the eye. It’s about shedding societal expectations, feeling cute, and saying goodbye to the “adulting” blues.

    The Kitten Play Relationships

    Kitten Play often intertwines with relationships, particularly within BDSM dynamics. For some, it’s about trust, security, and feeling cared for in a way that brings immense comfort. It’s a unique form of self-expression and connection that allows people to deepen their relationships while letting their inner kittens run wild.

    Why It Matters

    At its core, Kitten Play is about happiness, self-discovery, and being unapologetically yourself. It allows you to tap into a part of yourself that is playful, carefree, and safe—whether it’s by donning kitten gear, curling up with a partner, or simply playing with a ball of yarn. (Okay, maybe not the yarn, but you get the idea.)

    So, whether you’re curious about stepping into the world of Kitten Play or simply intrigued by its charm, remember: it’s all about joy, freedom, and finding your inner purr. And who wouldn’t want a bit more of that in their life?

    Heartfelt Confessions and Inspiring Perspectives: A Collection of Statements from Active Kittens

    Dive into the world of active Kittens through their own voices—a tapestry of heartfelt confessions, empowering perspectives, and raw emotions. These statements offer a glimpse into the unique experiences, playful moments, and deep connections that define kitten play. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, camaraderie, or simply a better understanding of this dynamic lifestyle, let the words of real Kittens guide you on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and joy.

    Kitten play to me is a stress relief. I see myself more as a cat-girl or neko-girl than an actual cat as even in kittenspace I maintain my ability to speak. Being a neko-girl makes me feel cute and childish and allows me to forget the more complex problems of life. I wear kittengear to help me get into the right headspace but also as a fashion statement.

    Kitten play is a lifestyle for me. It has become a huge part of who I am. Being in the online community has helped me learn to love and accept myself as well as be happy for the lifestyle I have chosen. Kitten play has helped me so much. When I’m upset or anxious, I’ll go into kittenspace and play with my master to escape the harsh realities of life sometimes. Kitten play isn’t just a kink for me, it has assimilated into my life and made me truly feel comfortable with who I am. Being in a BDSM relationship has made me feel safe and protected, and I’m so thankful to have my dom.


    It’s helped me so much with my anxiety and it makes me me


    It’s expressing one of the most innermost parts of your personality and having the freedom to let go of norms and expectations to enjoy playing as a kitten.


    It means I can let go of adult shit and just be happy and cute


    Kitten play, to me, means safety. It means putting my security, trust, and wellbeing in another person’s hands, who is completely deserving of that responsibility and does not take advantage of it. Kitten play means shelter, in the way that it allows me to step outside of myself and my own head to relax in a way that human issues are not relevant for a while.


    A lot. It means comfort, happiness and the best type of relationship there is.


    Personally, kitten play means a lot to me. Before I actually discovered pet play in general, I always knew I had a tendency to feel like a pet, a submissive wanting the gentle and soft side of being cared for and being dependent on someone I trust and love. Kitten play has been a huge part of my life with my owner and we practice it daily. It’s something we created just for us, I may wear kitten gear such as ears or my collars out in public whilst holding his hand, but that’s for our own comfort, enjoyment, and our way of saying “I belong to Daddy and no one else.”


  • What is Kitten play?

    What is Kitten play?

    What is Kitten Play?

    Kitten play is, in its most basic form, the act of roleplaying as a Kitten. In a wider sense it is a subsection of animal roleplay (petplay), which is its own subsection of the DS (Dominance/submission) part of the BDSM acronym. But what does that mean? Like many roles within the diverse world of BDSM, Kitten play has almost as many expressions as there are people that indulge in it. Covering everything will be beyond the scope of this article, but I’ll do my best to discuss the basics.

    What It’s Not

    Kitten play is not related to the furry fandom, though there is certainly crossover between the two worlds. The furry fandom revolves around anthropomorphic animals and individuals often create a fursona, or animal persona, that they use to represent themselves within the community. Some furries are into BDSM and some are not. Kitten play only exists within a BDSM context. The two cultures have different norms, language, and aesthetics.

    Kitten play is not bestiality. The attraction to kitten play revolves around a specific dynamic and relationship style. Any pet based dynamic is about a power exchange between consenting adults. Ears and tail are added for aesthetic and to signal the role of the wearer and does not represent attraction to real animals. Bestiality is unwelcome within the BDSM community, as it does not meet the guidelines of SSC (safe, sane, consensual) or RACK (risk-aware consensual kink).

    Kitten play is not therianthropy, though this is another area with some crossover. A therian has a spiritual connection to an animal, even to the point of viewing themselves as having the soul of that animal. Kitten play is exactly that – play. It has no inherent spiritual meaning, though a therian may certainly find themselves drawn towards this aspect of BDSM as part of their spiritual expression.

    Kitten play is not inherently sexual. This can be confusing for those new to BDSM. Sex and BDSM certainly get along very well, but BDSM activities do not require sex. BDSM is about power exchange. Some kittens will mix sex with their play and some will not.


    While you probably already know kitten play has as many expressions as there are people who partake in it, lets explore some of those expressions. The previous section talked a lot about common kitten play expression, but there is no fixed rule book you have to follow. guideline. No one Way.

    Remember how I said earlier that kitten play has almost as many expressions as there are people that indulge in it? Well let’s talk about some of that. While the above section talked a lot about common kitten play expression, there is no rule book. No One True Way. And everyone’s journey and experience is bound to be different.

    Some kittens, for example, might be switches or dominants. Though Kittens are traditionally submissive, how often do you hear that humans are owned by their cats? Or that cats remember being worshipped as gods (and act like it)? Yep. In some dynamics, the kitten is the one calling the shots, and their human is submissive!

    Some kittens don’t want an owner at all. Not everyone interested in power exchange is looking for a full time relationship. Some kittens are more interested in casual play partners than submitting to an official Owner. I call these cats ferals. This is to contrast with a stray, who is an unowned kitten looking to be owned, and a foster, which is a term I made up to reference a stray that is currently being trained or considered.

    Kitten play culture can be so diverse! At the end of it all, the most important aspect of kitten play is identity. Anyone that identifies with the lifestyle, whether as an occasional indulgence or a 24/7 commitment, should feel empowered to find their own path and their own meaning. After all, even the furry friends that we draw inspiration from come in so many shapes, colors, and personalities!

    What It Is

    The most common expression of kitten play revolves around a dominant owner and a submissive kitten. It is the owner’s job to care for and train their kitten and the kitten’s job to obey and please their owner. Kittens are often (though not always) more spoiled and bratty than other submissive types. They tend to be playful, mischievous, and provocative. Kitten owners should have patience and a good sense of humor!

    There are varying degrees of intensity within kitten play. For some, it is an occasional game to spice things up. For others, it is a 24/7 lifestyle. Some kittens wear cat ears and get a little feisty during sex. Other kittens will crawl, utilize speech restrictions, and eat out of a pet bowl. Kitten play exists on a spectrum, and there are so many ways to explore!

    While we’re here, let’s talk about kitten space! This is the term we use for a kitten that is in their kitten play headspace. This is a very vulnerable place to be, as kittens tend to be more in tune with their id. They are more primal. More instinctive. And that means they can be more sensitive, more emotional, and more open. Sharing that space with an Owner is a very intimate thing. It can be therapeutic and stress relieving. While some 24/7 kittens will maintain an aspect of kitten space in their day to day lives, deep kitten space is not meant to be maintained indefinitely. Kitten space most often occurs naturally during active play.

    There are many different ways to play with a kitten. When in doubt, start with the basics: feed the kitty, pet the kitty, groom the kitty, pounce. Feed the kitty out of a pet bowl or hand feed them treats in exchange for tricks. Pet and cuddle the kitty while you watch a movie. Run a brush gently through the kitty’s hair. Get out the laser pointer, a ball with a bell inside, or a wand toy for a game of pounce. All of these activities can help reinforce a kitten’s role.

    A lot of people ask us, “What is kitten play?” Like many roles within the diverse world of BDSM, kitten play has almost as many expressions as there are people that indulge in it. This is why we conducted a survey on the topic.

    Kitten Play in the BDSM Community

    Kitten play is a subculture within the BDSM community that involves one person taking on the characteristics of a pet, typically a kitten, while the other takes on the role of their owner, master or caretaker. This dynamic creates a power exchange between the two participants, where the “kitten” is submissive and the “master” is dominant. Kitten play can be both sexual or non-sexual and may incorporate different elements of BDSM depending on the individuals involved.

    One of the defining features of kitten play is the concept of “kitten headspace” or “kittenspace”. This is a state of mind where the “kitten” fully embodies the traits and behaviors of their feline alter ego. The process of entering this space can be an escape from reality, allowing the participant to feel carefree and more in tune with their inner cat.

    The relationship between a master and kitten in kitten play is based on trust, attention and dependence. The master is responsible for taking care of the kitten and enforcing rules and punishments for certain behaviors. The kitten is expected to be obedient and loyal to their master, serving them to the best of their abilities.

    In kitten play, there is a ceremony called collaring that acts like a wedding and is a symbol of the bond between the master and kitten. This involves signing a contract that binds the two participants together and establishes the terms of their relationship. The collaring ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as the participants wish, with some opting for traditional BDSM collars and others opting for cute ribbons or necklaces.

    Kitten play can be seen as a form of role-play, but for many participants, it is much more than just a game. It is a way for them to feel and identify with a specific aspect of themselves and can help to relieve stress and bring joy to their life. The lifestyle is completely customizable, with each master and kitten creating their own dynamic that is unique and special to their relationship.

    Kitten play is not just about sex and can range from extreme to gentle. Some relationships involve the kitten being locked in a cage and being fed at certain times, while others are more soft and involve wearing a collar and being treated like a real pet kitten, with cuddles and gentle care. Despite being considered taboo by some, kitten play is a legitimate and valid lifestyle choice for those who participate in it.

    In conclusion, kitten play is a subcategory of BDSM that involves the power exchange between a master and a kitten. It is a way for participants to escape reality, embody their inner cat and create a unique and special relationship with their partner. Whether sexual or non-sexual, kitten play is a personalized BDSM experience that is tailored to the individual participants.

    “What is Kitten play” answered by active kittens

    Kitten play is a sub culture of BDSM where one goes into the head space of a kitten, sometimes the kitten player has an owner, master, mistress, care giver, Etc. Kitten play has a ceremony called Collaring its like a wedding but a little bit more complicated, the “owner” and the kitten player both sign a contract that binds them together.

    A pet and Master, pet being a submissive person whilst a Master is the dominant person. Both take care of each other emotionally and physically.

    To me, kitten play is a subcategory of domination and submission and can incorporate different elements of BDSM depending on the relationship or person participating in kitten play. It involves the desire to be seen as an animal pet or to own an animal pet; it differs from the human pet aspect of D/S because of the need for some people to enter “kitten headspace” or “kittenspace”, which is absent in the normal D/S relationship. It can be seen as a form of roleplay, but to many it is much more than that.

    Kitten play is a part of the sub-Dom relationship in the BDSM community. It involves 2 roles, a master (Dom) and a kitten (sub). The master is responsible for taking care of the kitten with a set of rules and punishments that must be enforced for certain kinds of behavior. The kitten is basically a pet, in which their behavior is pet/cat-like. Kittens are meant to be obedient and loyal and serve their masters to the best of their abilities.

    In BDSM, the power exchange from the Dom and the sub, the sub taking the role of a pet (in this case, a cat/kitten) and the Dom is the protector, owner, master, etc.

    It’s a way a person feels and identifies with. This person enjoys acting as an animal to an extent and it sometimes help them to relieve stress and it makes them feel good.

    a person who behaves like a cat/kitten because it’s what they enjoy :3

    A BDSM sub category under pet play. When a dominant takes the role of a Master or any other name they choose. And the submissive takes the role of a pet in which case this is a kitten. The Dom takes care of, trains, loves, disciplines, and may or may not do sexual activities with his or her pet.

    A BDSM bond between a dom & sub, played out as “master” or “daddy” as the dom and “kitten” as the sub. Practicing an exchange of power between pet and owner, learning the boundaries of both parties, and creating a dynamic that’s unique and special just for you two. Can be anything extreme from being locked up in a cage and being fed at certain times in an actual pet bowl or even soft like wearing cute ribbon collars as a sign of ownership and being treated like an actual pet kitten, with cuddles and gentle care. It’s a personalised BDSM relationship that isn’t by any means defined as “a true kitten play relationship” by any other person other than the dom & sub. It is what you choose to make it!

    the sub being and acting like the Dom’s pet

    It’s basically BDSM but the submissive is a kitten and they dress up like a kitten cuz cats are wat they identify with

    Kitten play is a subcategory of BDSM, where the Top (typically titled as the owner, Master or Dom) has control over and cares for the bottom who in this case, is titled the pet or kitten. The relationship is based on trust, attention and dependence in the way a pet truly would be with their owner. Though, like any BDSM lifestyle, each definition is completely dependent on its’ practitioners.

    A person in the BDSM community who takes on the characteristics of a cat, kitten or big cat for sexual or nonsexual purposes

    A sub-type of BDSM based activity centered around taking on the persona of a cat; sometimes with the use of accessories or “kitten gear”. Kitten play can be sexual or non sexual.

    A BDSM lifestyle

    A BDSM relationship between Dom and sub where the submissive is the kitten.

    It is a sub category of BDSM, wherein the sub and/or Dom(me) role play as a kitten.

    The act of a sub committing kitten like behaviours, usually with a Master Dom who takes care of them and treats them as a pet.

    Finally being able to be myself and having an amazing Dom that accepts and nurtures that side of me. Escape from daily reality where I can just lounge and be cared for.

    Kitten play is a sub category of BDSM when you are a pet to a dom. As the sub/pet you look to your dom to take care of you, love you, and keep you in line. Pet play/BDSM isn’t all about sex.

    Kitten play is a form of BDSM where one person takes the characteristics of a pet and the other is their master/owner.

    A lifestyle. A lot of people find it taboo, it’s a sub category of BDSM.

    A mind space where one acts like any time of cat that they prefer or connect most with. It let’s one escape from reality and live the life of a cat. There are no set rules to kitten play. As long as there is some sort of head space of a cat, it is kitten play.

    Letting out your inner kitten. Being yourself. Being playful and without responsibility… freely being who you are or most wish to be with who you love.being taken care of. Loved and cherished.

    Entering a headspace that allows you to take on a kitten/cat aspect and letting go of your responsibilities and issues as an adult.

    A person who likes to be like a kitten. Kitten play can be two people taking the parts of master/mistress and kitten and interacting. It often has sexual aspects.

    A form of pet play, where the emphasis is on power imbalance between the sub (pet) and dom. Kitten play is one of the cuter variations of pet play, involving soft and hardcore elements.

    Kitten play is a sub category of BDSM consisting of 2 (or more) concenting adults. Kitten play is a power exchanged relationship in which the Submissive goes into the headspace of a kitten. It can be both sexual and non sexual and each dynamic is different.

    In its most basic form, kitten play is a form of role-play in which one or more participants take on the role of a real or imaginary species of feline. This can be as little or as much as the participants desire, and can include the mannerisms, behavior, and look of said animal. If one or more of the participants does not take the role of an animal, they can choose to take part by playing the role of trainer, Owner, etc. Participants can experience an altered state of mind, usually referred to as sub- or pet- space, letting go of human worries and returning to baser instincts, allowing for full immersion in the present.

  • What is Kitten Training?

    What is Kitten Training?

    Kitten training is the practice of engaging in activities and rituals where one person role-plays as a “Kitten,” taking a submissive role, while another person takes on the dominant role of the “Owner.” Both parties derive pleasure or erotic enjoyment from the dynamics of domination and submission. A person who switches between roles is known as a “Switch.”

    The Process of Kitten Training

    Kitten training typically involves:

    • Adopting the mindset of a Kitten: The submissive partner role-plays as a Kitten, often wearing Kitten gear.
    • Learning preferences: The Kitten learns the Owner’s preferences for responses and behaviors during sessions.
    • Mental and physical conditioning: The training can involve activities that range from mental exercises to physical interactions, depending on the preferences of both parties.

    Kitten training can be a one-time experience to add variety to a relationship or an ongoing practice tailored to the couple’s needs.

    Activities in Kitten Training

    The training often includes:

    • Learning positions, mannerisms, and activities that enhance the experience for both parties.
    • Practicing commands and behaviors that align with the dynamics of the relationship.
    • Immersing fully in the role, which may involve staying on all fours, responding to orders, and adapting to the Kitten persona.

    Physical interaction is optional and depends on the preferences of those involved. Communication is key to ensuring mutual satisfaction and respect.

    Tailoring Kitten Play to Your Relationship

    Each relationship is unique, and the dynamics of Kitten play can vary widely. What works in one partnership might not apply to another. Training involves learning how to meet your partner’s expectations and adjusting to their style.

    For some, Kitten play is about light-hearted interactions and cuddling, while others might enjoy a deeper exchange of power. The key is open communication to establish shared goals and boundaries.

    Starting Your Journey

    If you’re considering Kitten training, take time to reflect on your desires and communicate openly with your partner. Joining communities of like-minded individuals can help you learn more and connect with others who share similar interests.

    Final Thoughts

    Before engaging in Kitten training, ensure both partners have a clear understanding of what the practice entails and how it fits into your relationship. Mutual respect, shared dreams, and communication are the foundation of a fulfilling experience.

    Call to Action

    What are your thoughts on Kitten training? Is it something you’d like to explore in your relationship?

    Let us know in the comments, or join our community on Discord to learn more about Kitten play, Kitten training, and Kitten gear in a safe and supportive environment!


  • Kitten Styles #14 – Virgin Killer

    Kitten Styles #14 – Virgin Killer

    Kitten Styles Virgin Killer

    Kitten Style #14 – Virgin Killer

    Explore the bold and stunning Kitten Styles featuring the “Virgin Killer” design. This look brings a unique edge to the Kittenplay community, showcasing a playful yet daring aesthetic.

    Photo Gallery

    Take a closer look at the intricate details and style of Virgin Killer through our gallery:

  • Kitten Styles #13 – Kitten Stripes

    Kitten Styles #13 – Kitten Stripes

    Kitten Stripes

    Celebrate the Aesthetic of Kitten Play

    Kitten play is all about self-expression, creativity, and fun. In this series, we showcase the beautiful and unique kitten-themed outfits created by members of our community.

    #13 Kitten Stripes

    This style features bold stripes that make a statement. Whether you’re dressing up for a special occasion or simply want to embrace your inner kitten, this look is sure to inspire.

    About Kitten Styles

    At Kitten Styles, we love all things kitten play. Our mission is to celebrate the beauty and creativity of this unique community.

    • Share your unique style with the world.
    • Explore various kitten-themed aesthetics.
    • Connect with a welcoming and inclusive community.

    Feel inspired? Join our growing community to discover more styles and share your own!

    Join Us on Discord

    We’re excited to connect with kittens worldwide. Whether you’re new to kitten play or a long-time enthusiast, we’d love to have you.

    Join us on Discord!