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Rules for uploading pictures
What are the rules?
The rules are pretty straight forward. By submitting your photos, you are agreeing to the following:
- You acknowledge that may, at its sole discretion, publish or otherwise use any photograph submitted by you for future marketing purposes and in any publication or Web site without notice or permission.
- By submitting a photograph, you (and any other individual depicted in a photograph) consent to such publication or any other use.
- As a condition of submitting your photograph(s), you (and any other individual depicted in a photograph) unconditionally and irrevocably waive all claims to compensation for use of the photograph, and/or any rights with respect to such use you may have under copyright law, the right to publicity, the right to privacy, the law of defamation, and any other common law or statutory claims under the laws of any jurisdiction.
- You represent that you have been given the authority by each individual depicted in a photograph to bind such individuals to these release terms.
- A photo submission does not guarantee that you will receive Diamonds.